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Biotechgate Digital Partnering: Virtual business development & licensing event

free of charge
Biotechgate Digital Partnering I Venture Valuation AG Switzerland
Biotechgate Digital Partnering
by Venture Valuation AG Switzerland (HQ)
Kasernenstrasse 11
8004 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 (0) 44 500 38 44

Biotechgate Digital Partnering is designed to support the business development & licensing of Pharma, Biotech, Medtech and Digital Health companies. Join five days of virtual partnering and establish new global connections thanks to pre-arranged one-on-one Zoom meetings in our business forum.


Biotechgate Digital Partnering is focusing on companies developing drugs, diagnostics and medical devices. The main objective of the event is to provide a platform for business development in the field of licensing and collaboration.

Below you find an overview of some of the over 7,500 delegates representing more than 6,500 participating companies that joined one or several editions of the past Biotechgate Digital Partnering events. Representatives of 14 out of the top 20 big pharma companies were attending, 45% of the participants were Biotech companies. We had participants from over 60 countries with a majority being business development (40%) or CEOs (30%). There were over 10,000 meetings scheduled.

This announcement is a third-party event and is not organised by BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH itself. BIOPRO provides this announcement for distribution and information purposes and, despite careful examination of the content reproduced, assumes no liability for the correctness or subsequent changes by the organizers. If you have any questions, please contact the organizer directly.

Website address: https://www.gesundheitsindustrie-bw.de/en/event/biotechgate-digital-partnering-virtual-business-development-und-licensing-event