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MEDigIT 2024

Lille, France
Lille Grand Palais
1, Boulevard des Cités Unies
59777 Lille, France
Eurasanté, Clubster NHL
Marine Pentier
Phone: +33 (0) 3 59 39 01 88
Email: mpentier(at)eurasante.com

About the Event:

MEDigIT is the European framework for partnerships between innovative digital health players and the connected sectors and their stakeholders: pharma, biotech, medtech, payers, care providers…

MEDigIT is:

  • a tool to accelerate and increase the scale of fundraising by digital health players
  • the ideal opportunity to assess and examine regulatory and market access challenges in the digital health sector
  • a means of accelerating R&D and innovation partnerships for start-ups and SMEs
  • a way for big players in the field to source innovations to in-license, start-ups and SMEs to acquire

Who will you meet ?

The launch of MEDigIT marks a new era of collaboration and advancement in the Digital Health landscape. Whether you represent a seasoned industry giant or a rising start-up, MEDigIT offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect, collaborate and accelerate growth within this dynamic industry. MEDigIT will bring together the key players in Digital Health, from:

Drug discovery, clinical trials, data analytics & integration, screening & diagnostics, digital therapeutics &biomarkers, software & apps, care coordination, personalised medicine.

This announcement is a third-party event and is not organised by BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH itself. BIOPRO provides this announcement for distribution and information purposes and, despite careful examination of the content reproduced, assumes no liability for the correctness or subsequent changes by the organizers. If you have any questions, please contact the organizer directly.

Website address: https://www.gesundheitsindustrie-bw.de/en/event/medigit-2024