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microTEC Clusterkonferenz 2025

01.00 pm - 05.15 pm
Augustaplatz 10
76530 Baden-Baden,
microTEC Südwest e.V.
Anna Erley
Phone: +49 (0) 173 3400818
Email: clusterkonferenz(at)microtec-suedwest.de

Experience the innovative power of microsystems technology at the microTEC Cluster Conference 2025! On May 19 and 20, 2025, the industry will gather at the Kongresshaus Baden-Baden to discuss the latest developments and technological trends.

The conference offers an interactive program with top-class presentations, exciting workshops and networking opportunities. Industry-leading experts from industry, science and politics will share their insights on topics such as microsystems technology, Industry 4.0, robotics, medical technology and sustainable electronics. Highlights include keynotes by Dr. Volkmar Denner (former CEO Bosch) on quantum sensor technology and Viacheslav Gromov (AITAD) on embedded AI.

Who is the Clusterkonferenz 2025 for?

The cluster conference is aimed at specialists and managers from industry and research, including manufacturers of electronic products, developers, CTOs and product managers as well as technical department heads. Students of related disciplines are also welcome to attend.

Special highlights:

  • “Young Talents meet Industry” - the platform for young talent

  • Interactive workshops, e.g. Lego Serious Play

  • Exhibition of innovative companies and technologies

Take the opportunity to network with the leading minds in the industry and find out about the latest developments.

This announcement is a third-party event and is not organised by BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH itself. BIOPRO provides this announcement for distribution and information purposes and, despite careful examination of the content reproduced, assumes no liability for the correctness or subsequent changes by the organizers. If you have any questions, please contact the organizer directly.

Website address: https://www.gesundheitsindustrie-bw.de/en/event/microtec-clusterkonferenz-2025