Press release - 20/11/2024 Millions in federal funding: customized 3D printing for patients in oral and maxillofacial surgery The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is currently funding a project at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Heidelberg University Hospital with around 1.2 million euros. The aim is to use 3D printing technology to produce individualized implants directly in the clinic, thus enabling faster, more efficient and more precise patient-specific care. To this end, the UKHD is working with an industrial partner.
Press release - 05/11/2024 How biomedical innovation improves preclinical research 3D tumor models, simulations of drug responses or plant stems used for testing heart stents: the 3R-BioMedicUS center at the University of Stuttgart is developing innovative biomedical approaches to improve preclinical studies, to be seen in the new video.
Press release - 05/09/2024 Cohesion at the cellular level: flexible yet stable Research teams from the Universities of Konstanz and Potsdam are analyzing how proteins work together to enable our cells to both stick and move. The marker protein paxillin is at the centre of their interest.
Press release - 03/07/2024 Advancement Award for Heidelberg Molecular Biologist For her ground-breaking scientific studies in the field of synthetic biology, the 2024 Alfried Krupp Advancement Award is to go to Prof. Dr Kerstin Göpfrich. The award, endowed with one million euros in funding, is granted annually by the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation to young academics holding their first professorship in the natural and engineering sciences.
Press release - 13/06/2024 Eyesight from a 3D Printer Printing a new cornea during an operation to restore a patient’s eyesight: This groundbreaking step in the fight against corneal disorders is set to become reality with a laser based process using personalized bioink. The method was developed by researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in collaboration with Carl Zeiss Meditec AG and Evonik Healthcare. Their project won the idea award in this year’s NEULAND innovation contest.
Press release - 19/04/2024 Electrified bacteria PhD student at Furtwangen University develops method for faster determination of antibiotic resistance. The increase in antibiotic-resistant pathogens and the associated treatment, which is a major problem in public healthcare facilities, is the subject of a research project at Furtwangen University.
Press release - 30/10/2023 New research group: construction of tissue in laboratory An interdisciplinary research group combining mechanical engineering and biotechnology has taken up its work at the Institute for Molecular Systems Engineering and Advanced Materials (IMSEAM) of Heidelberg University. The team under the direction of Dr Kai Melde will pursue an innovative approach to biofabrication – 3D cell culture using ultrasound. Tools are being developed that can be used as an alternative to or enhancement for 3D printing.
Help with osteoarthritis of the knee - 27/09/2023 Individualised knee-joint cartilage: artificial tissue that fits Knee joints are subject to considerable stress throughout our lives. The natural shock absorber cartilage wears out over a lifetime, so many people develop knee osteoarthritis. Treatment is available in the form of artificial cartilage. This "off-the-shelf" tissue often does not grow well. Researchers are developing an individualised cartilage replacement made from biomaterial that is produced by 3D printing based on MRI images.
"Programmable" polymer materials - 24/04/2023 Medicine of the future: intelligent 4D polymers from the printer It is impossible to imagine medicine without 3D printing, which can be used to make implants or for culturing cells and tissues. It is now possible for 3D objects to be given an added dimension, namely an ability to make simple autonomous movements, by changing their size. Researchers at Heidelberg University have been able to produce microscopically small 4D structures from intelligent polymers that can be tailored to individual requirements.
Press release - 04/10/2022 Microscopic Octopuses from a 3D Printer Although just cute little creatures at first glance, the microscopic geckos and octopuses fabricated by 3D laser printing in the molecular engineering labs at Heidelberg University could open up new opportunities in fields such as microrobotics or biomedicine. The printed microstructures are made from novel materials – known as smart polymers – whose size and mechanical properties can be tuned on demand and with high precision.
Press release - 21/03/2022 BMBF funds Heidelberg Junior Research Group for 3D Bioprinting Project Junior Professor Dr Daniela Duarte Campos has been awarded a substantial grant from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). She and her junior research group are investigating bioprinting for tissue and organ engineering at the Center for Molecular Biology of Heidelberg University and at the “3D Matter Made to Order” Cluster of Excellence, a collaboration between Ruperto Carola and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Press release - 19/10/2021 Gips Schüle Research Award for three scientists from the University of Stuttgart Prof. Dr. Harald Gießen from the Institute of Physics (4) as well as Prof. Dr. Alois Herkommer and Dr. Simon Thiele from the Institute of Applied Optics at the University of Stuttgart received the Gips Schüle Research Award 2021 on October 19, 2021. The researchers were awarded the prize, which is valued at EUR 50,000.
Article - 14/04/2021 Calling for quality seal for implants Today's seniors are older and more active, which is why implants remain in the body longer and are subjected to greater strain than before. Improved surfaces are expected to ensure that the implants heal and integrate into the bone optimally. In an interview with BIOPRO, Dietmar Schaffarczyk, CEO of Konstanz-based stimOS GmbH, explains why a voluntary quality seal makes sense and gives consumers a better chance of recognising high-quality…
Digitalisation in Medicine - 08/12/2020 DiHeSys takes steps towards application Digital Health Systems GmbH (DiHeSys) has completed its founding phase and entered a new stage of development. This is reflected in the arrival of a new managing director, a strategic cooperation and its first pilot projects.