Press release - 04/12/2024 Joint research in key technologies: NMI and KIT sign cooperation agreement The NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have signed a groundbreaking cooperation agreement. This partnership combines the expertise of both institutions in the fields of production and characterization of materials for biological systems and energy storage as well as the application of statistical methods in medicine.
Press release - 21/06/2024 Cyber Valley: World's first ELLIS Institute opens At the finale of the Cyber Valley Days, and Science Minister Petra Olschowski opened the ELLIS Institute Tübingen, heralding the next phase of the AI Innovation Campus. With the world's first ELLIS Institute, Cyber Valley is gaining further radiance. Olschowski also announced at the ceremony that the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is joining the Cyber Valley Community.
Press release - 05/06/2024 Investing in a fairer future: The Robert Bosch Stiftung celebrates its 60th anniversary he Robert Bosch Stiftung is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2024. To commemorate this, the Foundation is holding an anniversary celebration today at its headquarters in Stuttgart. Among the guests are partners from the Foundation's charitable work as well as representatives from politics, business, and society, including members of the Bosch family and company.
Press release - 20/05/2024 seleon GmbH becomes part of the aesco solutions group On May 17, 2024, aesco solutions, a leading group for production and development services (CDMO) for medical device companies, and D11Z. Ventures GmbH & Co. KG (formerly Zukunftsfonds Heilbronn) announce the closing of the acquisition of seleon GmbH.
Press release - 02/02/2024 University of Stuttgart successful with cluster draft proposals The German Research Foundation (DFG) has announced the first pivotal decisions for the "Clusters of Excellence" funding line as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments. The University of Stuttgart has been given the green light for two new cluster initiatives.
Press release - 17/01/2024 Immatics Announces Pricing of $175 Million Public Offering Immatics N.V. (NASDAQ: IMTX, “Immatics”), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company active in the discovery and development of T cell-redirecting cancer immunotherapies, announced today the pricing of an underwritten public offering of 15,925,000 ordinary shares at a public offering price of $11.00 per share.
Press release - 10/01/2024 MedTech Company KARL STORZ Acquires British AI Specialist Innersight Labs The family-owned MedTech company KARL STORZ announces the acquisition of the innovative software manufacturer Innersight Labs Ltd. (ISL) headquartered in London. In addition to state-of-the-art endoscopes, high-end medical devices, and integrated solutions for the operating room, KARL STORZ is also continuing to expand in innovative software solutions.
Press release - 06/02/2023 Fewer side effects thanks to personalised medicine Patients have 30 percent fewer serious side effects when medication doses are tailored to their genetic profile. This is what an international research consortium has found out, including the Dr. Margarete Fischer-Bosch Institute of Clinical Pharmacology at the Bosch Health Campus. With an individual DNA medication pass, as used in the study, treatments can be made more effective and safer in the future.
Press release - 03/02/2023 Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim officially founded Non-profit limited liability company creates institutional framework for interdisciplinary research collaboration, innovative technology development and outstanding healthcare in the Rhine-Neckar region.
Press release - 29/07/2022 New centre for model-based artificial intelligence A centre for model-based artificial intelligence has been set up at Heidelberg University to link mathematical modelling methods with information processing in neuronal networks. The Carl Zeiss Foundation (CZS) is funding the CZS Heidelberg Center for Model-Based AI with five million euros over a period of six years.
Press release - 02/06/2022 Groundbreaking ceremony for new research building on the Faculty of Engineering campus Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Minister of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism of Baden-Württemberg, together with Freiburg’s Mayor Martin Horn, gives the go-ahead for the construction project on the Georges-Köhler-Allee.
CeGat GmbH - 06/08/2020 CeGaT: Specific coronavirus antibody test for all Have I perhaps already had COVID-19 in the past? This is a question many of us have been asking. Reliable tests that would provide the answer have simply not been available until now. However, the Tübingen-based biotech company CeGaT is now offering a coronavirus antibody test to anyone who wants one, thus answering this question with the highest probability currently possible. Response to the offer has been huge in the few weeks since the test…