Press release - 17/03/2025 Magnetic microalgae on a mission to become robots Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems developed a single-cell green microalgae coated with magnetic material. This miniature robot was put to the test: would the microalgae with its magnetic coating be able to swim through narrow spaces and, additionally, in a viscous fluid that mimics those found in the human body? Would the tiny robot be able to fight its way through these difficult conditions?
Press release - 17/03/2025 RNA Origami: Artificial Cytoskeletons to Build Synthetic Cells With the goal of creating living cells from non-living components, scientists in the field of synthetic biology work with RNA origami. This tool uses RNA biomolecule to fold new building blocks, making protein synthesis superfluous. In pursuit of the artificial cell, a research team has cleared a crucial hurdle. Using the new RNA origami technique, they succeeded in producing nanotubes that fold into cytoskeleton-like structures.
Press release - 14/03/2025 Tool identifies specific viruses to combat dangerous bacteria University of Tübingen research team shortens the search for attackers that can wipe out multiresistant pathogens – with the aim of treating infections without antibiotics
Microorganisms produce nutrients in bioreactors - 12/03/2025 CO2 and H2 as starting materials for proteins and vitamins Agricultural land needed to sustain the world's growing population is becoming increasingly scarce. To help address this challenge, researchers from the Environmental Biotechnology Group at the University of Tübingen have developed an innovative and sustainable power-to-vitamin technology. This breakthrough enables protein- and vitamin-rich foods to be produced with the help of microorganisms in a bioreactor using carbon dioxide and…
Press release - 12/03/2025 Hepatic stellate cells control liver function and regeneration Until now, doctors knew hepatic stellate cells mainly as drivers of liver fibrosis. The actual functions have hardly been studied to date. Researchers from the German Cancer Research Center, the Mannheim Medical Faculty and Columbia University have now published that hepatic stellate cells control liver metabolism as well as liver regeneration and size. The results of the study could contribute to new therapeutic approaches for liver diseases.
Funding BoB – Best of Biotech Competition, Funded by: Austria Wirtschaftsservice (aws), sb_search.searchresult.label.programSubmissionDate: 13/06/2025
Press release - 28/02/2025 Early Excellence in Science Award für Ivana Winkler The Bayer Foundation's Early Excellence in Science Award 2024 in the category of Data Science goes to Ivana Winkler of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). Winkler's work uncovered the unexpected effect of female reproductive capacity: the constantly recurring remodeling of the organs of the female reproductive tract during the sexual cycle leads to fibrosis and chronic inflammation over the years.
Press release - 25/02/2025 Self-healing hearts How Zebrafish regenerate heart muscle cells Zebrafish can completely replace damaged heart muscle cells: The affected organ becomes fully functional again. Researchers at Ulm University have discovered that a specific cell-to-cell communication signal helps them to cope better with replication stress. This stress inhibits tissue regeneration in humans and mammals as they age. In Zebrafish a signalling protein ensures that the cells of the damaged organ continue to divide and thus multiply.
Controllable microcatheters - 20/02/2025 Robot-assisted control of surgical instruments using magnetic resonance imaging Catheter-based examinations and surgical procedures are severely limited by the restricted controllability of conventional instruments and harmful radiation exposure to both patients and medical staff caused by prolonged exposure to radiation during fluoroscopy. EndoSurge, a Stuttgart-based start-up, has developed innovative robotic microcatheters that can be precisely controlled using the magnetic field of an MRI device.
Press release - 13/02/2025 Guardian molecule keeps cells on track – new perspectives for the treatment of liver cancer A guardian molecule ensures that liver cells do not lose their identity. The discovery is of great importance for cancer medicine because a change of identity of cells has come into focus as a fundamental principle of carcinogenesis for several years. The research team was able to show that the newly discovered guardian is so powerful that it can slow down highly potent cancer drivers and cause malignant liver tumors to regress in mice.
Press release - 07/02/2025 Spliceosome: How cells avoid errors when manufacturing mRNA The spliceosome, ensures that the genetic information from the genome, after being transcribed into mRNA precursors, is correctly assembled into mature mRNA. Splicing is a basic requirement for producing proteins. Researchers at the Heidelberg University Biochemistry Center (BZH) have succeeded for the first time in depicting a faultily “blocked” spliceosome at high resolution and reconstructing how it is recognized and eliminated in the cell.
Project REVeyeVE - 06/02/2025 Targeted, virus-free gene therapy for the eye using degradable nanopropellers Eye diseases that result in blindness in young people are primarily caused by genetic mutations. An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the Universities of Tübingen and Heidelberg is developing an innovative gene therapy method using biodegradable, magnetic nanopropellers. These innovative nanopropellers can effectively deliver intact genes into the affected cells, offering a potential solution for treating genetic disorders of this kind.
Press release - 23/01/2025 How the Ebola virus replicates in cells Like all viruses, the Ebola virus is dependent on host cells in order to replicate. Researchers at Heidelberg University Hospital, in collaboration with colleagues from the Friedrich Loeffler Institute, have been able to show for the first time using state-of-the-art imaging techniques how the replication compartments of the Ebola virus change during replication in infected cells.
Press release - 23/01/2025 ERC Funding for „EmbryoNet-AI“ Konstanz biologist Patrick Müller receives a Proof of Concept Grant from the European Research Council for his project "EmbryoNet-AI". Its goal is the further development of an AI-supported platform for the automated evaluation of experiments – for example, in drug development.
Press release - 15/01/2025 Similarities discovered between vascular calcification and bone growth University of Tübingen research team observes biochemical process in living cells – indications of new approach to preventing heart attacks and strokes
Press release - 14/01/2025 Epigenetics ensures placenta functioning If the development of blood vessels in the placenta is impaired, fetal growth retardation may result. Scientists from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the Mannheim Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University discovered that the correct development of functioning blood vessels in the mouse placenta is controlled epigenetically: One of the enzymes that modify gene activity using methyl groups is responsible.
Press release - 03/01/2025 New approaches against metastatic breast cancer: mini-tumors from circulating cancer cells Tumor cells circulating in the blood are the "germ cells" of breast cancer metastases. They are rare and could not be propagated in the culture dish until now, which made research into therapy resistance difficult. A team from the DKFZ, the Heidelberg Stem Cell Institute HI-STEM and the NCT Heidelberg has now succeeded for the first time in cultivating stable tumor organoids directly from blood samples of breast cancer patients.
Press release - 19/12/2024 Antibody that neutralizes inhibitory factors involved in nerve regeneration leads to enhanced motor function after acute spinal cord injury Antibodies can improve the rehabilitation of people with acute spinal cord injury. Researchers at 13 clinics in Germany, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Spain have investigated this with promising results. For the first time, it was possible to identify patient groups that displayed a clinically relevant treatment effect. A follow-up study will start in December 2024.
Press release - 13/12/2024 Schizophrenia: NMI observes processes in nerve cells Up to now, schizophrenia has mainly been treated symptomatically, as little is known about the exact underlying processes. Researchers at the NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute in Reutlingen have succeeded in gaining a better understanding of the driving mechanisms of the disease. This offers opportunities for the development of new drugs. They have published their findings in the journal BMC Psychiatry.
Dossier: Innovative animal-free research in Baden-Württemberg - 05/12/2024 Mini-organs and multi-organ chips - where lab mice may soon retire Farewell to animal testing? Life sciences researchers in BW are pioneering innovative methods to replace animal experiments, reduce the number of animals used and refine the procedures and conditions under which animals are kept. These are the guiding principles of the 3Rs principle. Developing cutting-edge models and establishing a robust 3R network, not only shapes the future of research but also improves the quality of scientific outcomes.
Press release - 28/11/2024 Molecular biology: New interdisciplinary Research Training Group investigates cellular regulation Cell division, cell differentiation, cell repair and cell death play fundamental roles in the human organism, its development, health and reproduction. Cellular transformation processes are governed by two regulatory mechanisms: chromatin modifications and cell signaling networks. The EpiSignal Research Training Group sheds light on the hitherto little-researched interplay between these two complex systems.
Press release - 26/11/2024 Collaborative research centres on kidney and brain prolonged On 25 November, the German Research Foundation (DFG) announced the continued funding of two existing Collaborative Research Centres (CRC) at the University of Freiburg’s Faculty of Medicine. In CRC 1453 Nephrogenetics (NephGen), doctors and researchers are using genetic information to search for mechanisms underlying kidney diseases.
Press release - 20/11/2024 New bioengineering approaches for the automated production of complex organoids The reproducible and precise production of complex organoid models to simulate human organ malfunctions is the focus of an interdisciplinary research project at Heidelberg University. A research team from the life and engineering sciences is looking to combine the engineering of molecular systems with machine learning and automated production methods.
Press release - 14/11/2024 Novel method for fighting tumors Making existing cancer therapy more efficient while significantly reducing the side effects on healthy tissue - this is the aim of a project at Aalen University. It is being funded with one million euros from the Carl Zeiss Foundation. The biophysicist and his team are developing innovative nanoparticles made of gold. The particles use radiotherapy and chemotherapy simultaneously and kill the cancer cells in a targeted manner.
Press release - 16/10/2024 Sensitive Arm Prostheses A quantum sensor that can register nerve impulses without contact opens up new possibilities in prosthetics. Researchers at Fraunhofer IPA are developing together with the industrial partner Q.ANT the prototype of one Prosthetic arm that is controlled by neural commands like healthy limbs.