Press release - 17/03/2025 RNA Origami: Artificial Cytoskeletons to Build Synthetic Cells With the goal of creating living cells from non-living components, scientists in the field of synthetic biology work with RNA origami. This tool uses RNA biomolecule to fold new building blocks, making protein synthesis superfluous. In pursuit of the artificial cell, a research team has cleared a crucial hurdle. Using the new RNA origami technique, they succeeded in producing nanotubes that fold into cytoskeleton-like structures.
Press release - 06/03/2025 New insights into the cellular mechanism of action of psilocybin A recent study by the Hector Institute for Translational Brain Research at the CIMH provides the first cellular insights into how psilocin promotes the growth and networking of human nerve cells.
Press release - 05/03/2025 Frank Winkler receives the Brain Prize 2025 This year, the Brain Prize worth more than one million euros, honors pioneering work on nervous system-cancer interactions: Neurologist Frank Winkler, who researches at the Heidelberg University and at the German Cancer Research Center and treats patients with brain tumors at the Heidelberg University Hospital, discovered that nerve cells in the brain communicate with brain tumor cells. This causes the disease to progress.
Press release - 25/02/2025 Self-healing hearts How Zebrafish regenerate heart muscle cells Zebrafish can completely replace damaged heart muscle cells: The affected organ becomes fully functional again. Researchers at Ulm University have discovered that a specific cell-to-cell communication signal helps them to cope better with replication stress. This stress inhibits tissue regeneration in humans and mammals as they age. In Zebrafish a signalling protein ensures that the cells of the damaged organ continue to divide and thus multiply.
Press release - 13/02/2025 Guardian molecule keeps cells on track – new perspectives for the treatment of liver cancer A guardian molecule ensures that liver cells do not lose their identity. The discovery is of great importance for cancer medicine because a change of identity of cells has come into focus as a fundamental principle of carcinogenesis for several years. The research team was able to show that the newly discovered guardian is so powerful that it can slow down highly potent cancer drivers and cause malignant liver tumors to regress in mice.
Press release - 07/02/2025 Spliceosome: How cells avoid errors when manufacturing mRNA The spliceosome, ensures that the genetic information from the genome, after being transcribed into mRNA precursors, is correctly assembled into mature mRNA. Splicing is a basic requirement for producing proteins. Researchers at the Heidelberg University Biochemistry Center (BZH) have succeeded for the first time in depicting a faultily “blocked” spliceosome at high resolution and reconstructing how it is recognized and eliminated in the cell.
Press release - 07/01/2025 Researchers have a better understanding of how our cells dispose of waste while developing ways to control it A research team from Freiburg and Frankfurt has discovered how cells recognise and internally break down waste. The results are relevant for the development of therapies for diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
Press release - 09/12/2024 Brain tumour cells rapidly integrate into brain-wide neuronal circuits Researchers at the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University and the Heidelberg University Hospital have used modified rabies viruses to label glioblastoma tumour cells and their direct cell contacts in the mouse brain. The new method showed that the tumour cells are connected to different types of nerve cells throughout the entire brain at a very early stage of the disease.
Press release - 28/11/2024 Molecular biology: New interdisciplinary Research Training Group investigates cellular regulation Cell division, cell differentiation, cell repair and cell death play fundamental roles in the human organism, its development, health and reproduction. Cellular transformation processes are governed by two regulatory mechanisms: chromatin modifications and cell signaling networks. The EpiSignal Research Training Group sheds light on the hitherto little-researched interplay between these two complex systems.
Press release - 26/11/2024 Collaborative research centres on kidney and brain prolonged On 25 November, the German Research Foundation (DFG) announced the continued funding of two existing Collaborative Research Centres (CRC) at the University of Freiburg’s Faculty of Medicine. In CRC 1453 Nephrogenetics (NephGen), doctors and researchers are using genetic information to search for mechanisms underlying kidney diseases.
Press release - 05/11/2024 How biomedical innovation improves preclinical research 3D tumor models, simulations of drug responses or plant stems used for testing heart stents: the 3R-BioMedicUS center at the University of Stuttgart is developing innovative biomedical approaches to improve preclinical studies, to be seen in the new video.
Press release - 05/11/2024 Heidelberg scientist receives highly endowed EC synergy grant Heidelberg scientist Dr Venera Weinhardt has received an ERC Synergy Grant for a pioneering biomedical research project. The European Research Council (ERC) is granting this funding to advance soft X-ray microscopy. This imaging technique along with other innovations will be used to investigate the hepatitis E virus.
Press release - 30/10/2024 Diabetes switch in DNA: Non-coding region in the genome influences ONECUT1 gene They are underestimated genetic control elements: it is known that changes in the genome can trigger diabetes. But now researchers at the University Hospital Ulm and the INSERM Cochin Institute in Paris have shown that a previously under-researched region of the genome also plays a crucial role in the development of this disease.
Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases - 25/09/2024 Proinflammatory regulatory T lymphocytes as a therapeutic target in Crohn's disease Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases are very stressful for those affected and increase the risk of bowel cancer. PD Dr. Robyn Laura Kosinsky from the Bosch Health Campus in Stuttgart, together with researchers from the USA, identified disfunctional regulatory T cells as important drivers of inflammation in Crohn's disease. They also found that with the help of an epigenetically active drug, it was possible to restore the cells’ original…
Press release - 05/09/2024 Cohesion at the cellular level: flexible yet stable Research teams from the Universities of Konstanz and Potsdam are analyzing how proteins work together to enable our cells to both stick and move. The marker protein paxillin is at the centre of their interest.
Press release - 04/09/2024 Epigenetic changes reprogram astrocytes into brain stem cells With mice, researchers showed that experimentally induced lack of blood flow in the brain epigenetically reprograms astrocytes into brain stem cells, which in turn can give rise to nerve progenitor cells. This discovery shows that astrocytes could potentially be used in regenerative medicine to replace damaged nerve cells.
Press release - 09/07/2024 Unique characteristics of previously unexplored protein discovered Freiburg-Prague research collaboration achieves scientific breakthrough in understanding cell division. The international research collaboration has uncovered a new mechanism of the crosstalk between microtubules and actin cytoskeleton during cell division and revealed unique characteristics of the previously unexplored protein FAM110A.
Press release - 05/07/2024 Outstanding ideas – new imaging processes for cancer diagnostics and nanopropellers for ocular gene therapy The summer reception hosted by BioRegio STERN Management GmbH has once again provided a fitting backdrop for the Science2Start award ceremony. Last Thursday, at Tübingen observatory, was the 15th time that scientists and start-up founders were celebrated for outstanding ideas that a panel of experts judged to have special economic potential.
Press release - 05/07/2024 The Symphony of Organelles With "OrgaPlexing", scientists at the MPI of Immunobiology and Epigenetics have developed a new method that shows how guardian cells of the immune system, the macrophages, orchestrate their cell structures during inflammation or bacterial infection, making it possible to observe the interactions between several organelles simultaneously and thus providing insights into cell metabolism and the production of inflammatory molecules.
Press release - 13/06/2024 Which of the two DNA strands is damaged influences the cell's mutation profile Cancer genomes are the result of diverse mutation processes. Scientists have analyzed the molecular evolution of tumors after exposure to mutagenic chemicals. DNA lesions that persists unrepaired over several cell generations lead to sequence variations at the site of damage. This enabled the researchers to distinguish the contribution of the triggering lesion from that of the subsequent repair in shaping the mutation pattern.
Press release - 13/06/2024 Position of the cell nucleus affects epigenetics and therefore gene activity and cell function Depending on whether the cell nucleus of an epithelial cell is located on the outer or inner side of the tissue, the genome is more or less acetylated - genes can therefore be translated easier or harder. Scientists from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) have demonstrated this for the first time in the development of the Drosophila wing.
Press release - 31/05/2024 Heidelberg University successful with six bids for collaborative research In the current approval round of the German Research Foundation (DFG) Heidelberg University has been successful with six applications for grants to fund major, internationally visible research consortia. The six research consortia − three of them will reach the maximum funding length of twelve years after their extension − are to receive financial resources totalling nearly 87 million euros over a period of four years.
Press release - 22/05/2024 Stretched beyond the limits of the cell: the molecular biomechanics of collagen Together with colleagues from Israel and USA, HITS researcher Frauke Gräter investigates the effects of physical force on the collagen protein in two different animal model systems. Their goal is to measure the effects of mechanoradicals on the integrity of the tissue and the well-being of the organism, with impact on health and aging.
Press release - 17/04/2024 Cell Biology: Molecular Code Stimulates Pioneer Cells to Build Blood Vessels in the Body Cardiovascular diseases, including stroke and myocardial infarction, are the world's leading causes of mortality, accounting for over 18 million deaths a year. A team of KIT researchers has now identified a new cell type in blood vessels responsible for vascular growth. This discovery may allow for novel therapeutic strategies to treat ischemic cardiovascular diseases, i.e. diseases that are caused by reduced or absent blood flow.
Stem cell research - 14/03/2024 Using organoids to gain a better clinical understanding of pancreatic cancer Prof. Dr. Alexander Kleger carries out translational research at Ulm University Hospital to gain a better understanding of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and develop individualised treatments. He and his team are using organoid models and stem cell-based systems and have succeeded in simultaneously cultivating all three main cell types of the pancreas from pluripotent stem cells.