Press release - 05/03/2025 Frank Winkler receives the Brain Prize 2025 This year, the Brain Prize worth more than one million euros, honors pioneering work on nervous system-cancer interactions: Neurologist Frank Winkler, who researches at the Heidelberg University and at the German Cancer Research Center and treats patients with brain tumors at the Heidelberg University Hospital, discovered that nerve cells in the brain communicate with brain tumor cells. This causes the disease to progress.
Press release - 28/02/2025 Recognise developmental disorders early with AI: Automatically classifying movement patterns in babies Using a new combination of three sensors and artificial intelligence, researchers at Heidelberg Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University and Heidelberg University Hospital are recognising patterns in babies' movements that show whether their nervous system is developing healthily.
Press release - 13/12/2024 Schizophrenia: NMI observes processes in nerve cells Up to now, schizophrenia has mainly been treated symptomatically, as little is known about the exact underlying processes. Researchers at the NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute in Reutlingen have succeeded in gaining a better understanding of the driving mechanisms of the disease. This offers opportunities for the development of new drugs. They have published their findings in the journal BMC Psychiatry.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) - 10/12/2024 sync2brain: using magnetic waves to combat depression In cases where standard therapies for mental illnesses such as depression prove ineffective, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) offers a promising alternative. This method uses magnetic pulses to stimulate specific regions of the brain. The company sync2brain has developed a system that leverages EEG measurements to tailor stimulation to each patient's unique brain wave patterns, that may significantly enhance the therapy's…
Press release - 09/12/2024 Brain tumour cells rapidly integrate into brain-wide neuronal circuits Researchers at the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University and the Heidelberg University Hospital have used modified rabies viruses to label glioblastoma tumour cells and their direct cell contacts in the mouse brain. The new method showed that the tumour cells are connected to different types of nerve cells throughout the entire brain at a very early stage of the disease.
Press release - 15/11/2024 Patient association raises 10,000 euros for work on PURA syndrome - Donation for research into rare neuronal developmental disorder at Ulm University PURA syndrome is a rare developmental disorder of the brain for which there is currently no cure. The patient association PURA Syndrome Germany was founded last year. Since then, the affected families have been collecting donations with great dedication – and have decided to donate the majority of this money to research into the syndrome at Ulm University.
Press release - 16/10/2024 Sensitive Arm Prostheses A quantum sensor that can register nerve impulses without contact opens up new possibilities in prosthetics. Researchers at Fraunhofer IPA are developing together with the industrial partner Q.ANT the prototype of one Prosthetic arm that is controlled by neural commands like healthy limbs.
Press release - 25/09/2024 How do rare genetic variants affect health? AI provides more accurate predictions Whether we are predisposed to particular diseases depends to a large extent on the countless variants in our genome. However in the case of genetic variants the influence on the presentation of certain pathological traits has been difficult to determine. Researchers have introduced an algorithm based on deep learning that can predict the effects of rare genetic variants.
Press release - 23/09/2024 Carl Zeiss Foundation supports early career research group for biohybrid neuroimplants Dr Simon Binder has been awarded a five-year, 1.5 million euro grant from the Carl Zeiss Foundation for his research into novel neuroimplants. Binder will establish the early career research group ‘Biohybrid Neuroimplants based on Soft Hydrogel Electrodes’ at the University of Freiburg. It is affiliated with the research institutions BrainLinks-BrainTools.
Press release - 04/09/2024 Epigenetic changes reprogram astrocytes into brain stem cells With mice, researchers showed that experimentally induced lack of blood flow in the brain epigenetically reprograms astrocytes into brain stem cells, which in turn can give rise to nerve progenitor cells. This discovery shows that astrocytes could potentially be used in regenerative medicine to replace damaged nerve cells.
Press release - 26/08/2024 Synthetic Immunology: Approaching a Turning Point in the Treatment and Prevention of Disease Synthetic immunology is the topic of an article in the “Perspectives” section of the journal “Nature Nanotechnology”. Herein, Heidelberg researchers describe a so-called bottom-up approach that uses the toolbox of nanotechnology and synthetic biology to construct systems from molecular building blocks and specifically equip them with immune functions.
Start-up Cerebri GmbH - 05/08/2024 Comprehensive EEG supply thanks to telemedicine Fewer and fewer patients are getting timely access to electroencephalograms, as the process of measuring brain activity and interpreting the results requires specific expertise. Cerebri GmbH, a newly established Tübingen-based company, aims to address this issue by offering user-friendly EEG caps and providing rapid, location-independent and top-tier diagnostics by experts.
Innovation in emergency medicine - 23/05/2024 CARL pushes back the boundaries of resuscitation therapy Few people survive a cardiac arrest; blood stops flowing to the brain and other vital organs and the resulting lack of oxygen causes extensive damage to the body. In response to this, researchers at the University Medical Centre Freiburg and Resuscitec GmbH have developed CARL, an innovative resuscitation system, which – in addition to the oxygen level – adjusts numerous blood parameters to individual patient requirements. This greatly improves…
Press release - 03/05/2024 Newly discovered mechanism of T-cell control can interfere with cancer immunotherapies Activated T cells that carry a certain marker protein on their surface are controlled by natural killer cells. In this way, the body presumably curbs destructive immune reactions. Researchers now discovered that NK cells can impair the effect of cancer therapies with immune checkpoint inhibitors in this way. They could also be responsible for the rapid decline of therapeutic CAR-T cells.
Press release - 14/03/2024 Machine learning classifier accelerates the development of cellular immunotherapies Making a personalised T cell therapy for cancer patients currently takes at least six months; scientists at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the University Medical Center Mannheim have shown that the laborious first step of identifying tumor-reactive T cell receptors for patients can be replaced with a machine learning classifier that halves this time.
Neurosciences - 28/02/2024 Mesh microelectrode arrays: research with brain organoids on a new level How does the brain work? Brain organoids are derived from pluripotent stem cells and regarded as valuable model systems that can depict some aspects of neurological functioning. Dr. Peter Jones from NMI together with Dr. Thomas Rauen from the MPI for Molecular Biomedicine in Münster, has taken organoid research to a new level. His novel mesh microelectrode array (Mesh-MEA) greatly improves the growth and electrophysiological analysis of tissue.
Press release - 11/10/2023 The new Center for Bionic Intelligence Tübingen Stuttgart The new Center for Bionic Intelligence Tübingen Stuttgart aims to optimize the interaction between humans and technical systems in a fundamentally new way. Scientists from the Universities of Stuttgart and Tübingen, the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics are conducting research on intelligent bionic systems that will aid understanding and treatment of certain diseases of the CNS.
Press release - 21/09/2023 Mutation-specific peptide vaccine against midline gliomas used in patients for the first time Tumor vaccines can help the body fight cancer. These vaccines alert the patient's immune system to proteins that are harbouring cancer-typical alterations. Physicians and cancer researchers from Heidelberg and Mannheim have now treated adult patients with advanced midline gliomas, difficult-to-treat brain tumors, with a peptide vaccine for the first time.
Project SMARTGAIT - 13/09/2023 Safe and cost-effective analysis of neurological gait disorders with AI Stroke, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis often resulting in gait disorders in those affected. Gait analyses play a crucial role in the successful evaluation and therapy of such disorders. Current measurement methods are costly and time-consuming. The SMARTGAIT project is therefore developing an innovative AI-based system aimed at performing meaningful gait analyses with the help of simple smartphone video recordings.
NeuroQ project - 26/07/2023 Quantum sensors for exoskeletons: can quantum physics beat paralysis? Could people suddenly be able to move again decades after being paralysed? State-of-the-art quantum sensors integrated in exoskeletons could make this possible. Technology being developed as part of the BMBF-funded NeuroQ beacon project by researchers from organisations including the Fraunhofer IAF, the Charité in Berlin and the University of Stuttgart might achieve even more: besides facilitating movement, it could also help cure paralysis.
Tablet-based diagnostics - 12/04/2023 TuCAN - innovative diagnostic procedure for neuropsychiatric disorders Neuropsychiatric disorders are often diagnosed late and have a negative impact on quality of life. Diagnosing the disease at an early stage is vital to be able to help those affected by offering them treatment adapted to their specific requirements. This is what the TuCAN project in Tübingen aims to achieve through the early and differential diagnosis of neuropsychiatric disorders.
Press release - 07/02/2023 Hertie Foundation establishes new institute combining artificial intelligence and neuroscience This month marks the launch of an outstanding project integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and neuromedicine – the Hertie Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Brain Health (Hertie AI). Founded on February 1 at the Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen, it will be the first institute in Germany to research the prevention and early diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system using artificial intelligence methods.
Press release - 03/02/2023 Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim officially founded Non-profit limited liability company creates institutional framework for interdisciplinary research collaboration, innovative technology development and outstanding healthcare in the Rhine-Neckar region.
Press release - 24/01/2023 What keeps the immune defense in brain tumors functional Cancer immunotherapies often fail because the immune cells are paralysed by immunosuppressive conditions in the tumor. Scientists from Heidelberg, Mannheim and Tel Aviv have now shown on tissue samples from patients as well as on tumor models in mice that the functionality of the immune defence depends decisively on certain helper cells.
Press release - 24/01/2023 Controlling neural exoskeletons more precisely with diamond sensors Brain-computer interfaces are able to restore some mobility to paralyzed people by controlling exoskeletons. However, more complex control signals cannot yet be read from the head surface because conventional sensors are not sensitive enough. A collaboration of Fraunhofer IAF, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, University of Stuttgart and other industrial partners has taken up this challenge.