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MedFit 2024

Lille, Frankreich
Lille Grand Palais
1, Boulevard des Cités Unies
59777 Lille
Eurasanté, Clubster NHL, MEDICALPS, BioValley France
Tel.: +33 (0)9 78 31 55 17

Die folgenden Informationen sind nur auf Englisch verfügbar.

With 650 international participants from 30+ countries, MedFIT is your opportunity to connect with international key innovators in the MedTech, Diagnostic and Digital Health sectors.

As a unique European partnering event, MedFIT provides the ideal environment for academic and industrial stakeholders to:

  • Build partnerships

  • Source innovative and competitive early-stage R&D projects

  • Foster the emergence of collaborative projects

  • Increase licensing opportunities

  • Obtain funding and facilitate market access

Steered by a prestigious Committee, the MedFIT conference programme brings together bright minds to debate innovation-driven topics and to address current industry issues related to:

1. Growing early- stage innovation

2. Bringing innovation to market

3. Digital health & medicine innovation

Pitch Sessions

The MedFIT pitch sessions offer the opportunity to detect the most innovative and promising start-ups, R&D projects and licensing opportunities in order to foster partnerships and business development opportunities in the MedTech, Diagnostic and Digital Health fields.

Start-up Slams

The Start-up Slams are a great opportunity for young companies (and particularly for start-ups seeking to raise a financing round) to showcase their project in front of potential partners and investors.

The winner will be awarded as the most innovative start-up in Europe.

Collaborative and licensing opportunity presentations

The Collaborative and Licensing Opportunity Presentations enables TTOs, universities, research institutes and companies to showcase their technologies in front of potential partners, in order to entail a collaborative project and/or a licensing deal. The winner will be awarded as the most promising technology in Europe.

MedFIT will continue online for 2 days of digital meetings on December 11th & 12th, 2024

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Seiten-Adresse: https://www.gesundheitsindustrie-bw.de/veranstaltung/medfit-2024