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Atrium Hotel Mainz
Flugplatzstraße 44
55126 Mainz
Dr. Andreas Köpke (bioExpert)
Tel.: +49 (0) 6136 957 3000
E-Mail: info(at)bioexpert.biz

Die folgenden Informationen liegen ausschließlich in englischer Sprache vor.

The Neuro4D is a focused and highly interactive international conference on Neuro Degenerative Disease Drug Discovery, bringing together drug discovery companies, service and technology providers, and academic innovators in the field of proteopathic neurodegenerative diseases.

Neuro4D brings a limited number of distinguished industry and academic speakers, poster presenters and delegates in neurodegenerative disease in direct contact, and creates lively discussions about drug discovery efforts for two full days, in a stimulating and enjoyable setting. Academic research leaders outline recent insights into the complex disease mechanisms and new pharmaceutical action modes. Biotech and international pharmaceutical companies present their developments for new treatment options and outline advantages and disadvantages of disease models and screening technologies used for compound selection and optimization. Service and technology providers present their platforms and show examples of how their services contribute to the discovery of new drug candidates. By the end of the conference, all participants got to know each other, seeding many productive collaborations in the past.

During Neuro4D 2025 we will focus on Alzheimer’s disease again, however, not excluding other neurodegenerative disease developments. We will look at the potential and ongoing initiatives using new pharmaceutical modalities like PROTACs, molecular glues and other direct target modulating technologies. As in recent years, the event will be located in the Atrium Hotel and the inspiring environment of Mainz, Germany, with easy access to Frankfurt international airport. The conference will stick to the successful session format and chairperson leadership. Each speaker has 15 min for presentation and Q&A, and will participate in a podium discussion with all speakers at the end of each session.

Target Audience:
  • Drug discovery experts from biotech and pharmaceutical industry
  • Academic experts in proteopathic neurodegenerative diseases interested in drug discovery
  • Service providers of technologies, analytical tools, and models for neurodegenerative diseases
  • Pharma strategists and investors interested in the field and prepared to learn and fund the most innovative approaches
  • PhDs looking for new positions in the field

Diese Ankündigung ist eine Veranstaltung Dritter und wird nicht von der BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH selbst durchgeführt. Die BIOPRO stellt diese Ankündigung zu Verbreitungs- und Informationszwecken bereit und übernimmt trotz sorgfältiger Prüfung der wiedergegebenen Inhalte keine Haftung für die Richtigkeit oder nachträgliche Änderungen durch die Veranstalter. Wenden Sie sich bei Fragen bitte direkt an die Veranstalter.

Seiten-Adresse: https://www.gesundheitsindustrie-bw.de/veranstaltung/neuro4d