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The TechMed Event 2024

TechMed Centre
Hallenweg 5
7522 NH, Enschede
MedTech-Cluster, Medizintechnik-Unternehmen, Gesundheitsfachkräfte
Technical Medical Centre, University of Twente

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TechMed Event 2024

Bridging past and future: five years of medtech advancements and beyond

On Wednesday, November 6, the 6th edition of the annual TechMed Event will take place. Leading stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, companies, researchers, investors, talented students, administrators, and healthcare organisations, will come together to inspire each other, reflect on the past years, and provide a platform for future-oriented discussions. By stimulating interdisciplinary collaboration, we aim to share knowledge, promote innovation, and create a roadmap for a sustainable future in healthcare.

Why you don't want to miss the event:

  • Explore the latest MedTech Innovations & Research
  • Meet & connect with 350+ MedTech frontrunners: physicians, scientists, entrepreneurs, talents, financiers
  • Get inspired by the keynote lectures and interactive sessions
  • Optimize your personal program: 5 different stages with 20+ sessions and 40+ speakers
  • Effective networking event to maximize collaboration
  • Explore the TechMed Centre and the state-of-the-art facilities

What to Expect at the TechMed Event

Be inspired by the keynote lecture from Kylle Jordan, who will share the vision of the Destination Medical Centre in Rochester, Minnesota, and experiences with setting up large-scale public-private partnerships between Mayo Clinic, knowledge institutions, regional governments, and the business community. The event will feature engaging discussions on topics such as the power of collaboration, brilliant failures, talent talks and a Dragon’s Den session. If you want to be inspired and stay updated on the latest medical technological developments, be sure to attend sessions on chip technology, sensing and imaging, data in health improvement, cybersecurity, staff shortages, planetary health, animal-free innovation, and technology for human drug research. These sessions offer valuable insights into the progress and innovations within the TechMed Centre. You can also participate in accessible matchmaking activities, lab and demo tours.

The TechMed Event is part of the MedTech Twente Week | 5-6 November 2024

MedTech Twente Week 2024 is a pivotal event for partners, industry leaders, and visionaries aimed at forging a path to a brighter, healthier tomorrow. This year, MedTech Twente’s annual highlight consists of two main events on November 5 and 6. We will start with a fact-finding trip Explore & Connect, on the 5th, especially for foreign companies and clusters that want to discover MedTech in Twente. The TechMed Event, about five years of MedTech advancements and beyond, takes place on 6 November.

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Seiten-Adresse: https://www.gesundheitsindustrie-bw.de/veranstaltung/techmed-event-2024